Watch The Friends of NorthKey’s Ray of Hope Virtual Auction Event

Join The Friends!

Yearly annual dues for the Friends of NorthKey are just $10 to help support us in our mission to defeat the stigma surrounding mental illness, substance use, and developmental disabilities.
If you would like to join The Friends, we would be glad to have you! Please mail the below letter with your check payable to NorthKey Community Care, and mail to Anne Scheve at P.O. Box 2680, Covington, KY, 41012.

The Friends Membership Letter_2023

Or, you may submit your payment online through our PayPal account and email Laura at or Jeannie at

Any information we receive from you is kept confidential. Click the button below to donate. If you would like this donation to be anonymous, you will have the ability to do so during checkout.

Make a donation

The efforts and activities of The Friends are made possible by donations and support from the larger community. If you wish to support The Friends’ efforts to reduce stigma associated with seeking mental health, substance use, and developmental disabilities services and support the services offered by the NorthKey Community Care, please consider a donation:
Through PayPal:

If you would like to get more involved please consider making The Friends of NorthKey your Kroger Rewards Program Nonprofit!
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